Preparing Students for the Future

Students Prepared for College and Careers are Future-ready

Future-ready individuals can leverage and maximize new technologies to solve tasks and workplace problems. They are skillfully adaptable in communicating ideas, interacting with others, and engaging in experiential processes.

21st Century Skills

MADE students will learn current and cutting edge methods and technology, as well as gain the skills to continually adapt to new ideas in a world that is constantly changing.

Real-World Preparation

There is no substitute for hands-on experience, and MADE students will learn how to accomplish their goals by succeeding in real situations where the results matter.

Globally Competitive 

In a global economy, where every industry has connections around the world, MADE students will learn to thrive and succeed in a culturally diverse international job market.

Workplace Ready

By building a network of professional connections and acquiring industry certifications and licenses alongside their studies, MADE students graduate with the ability to jump into a career the next day.

High Quality Curriculum and Instruction

At Downey Unified, we understand that students who are college and career ready have the skills to transition into postsecondary education, career training, or directly into the workforce. The Downey MADE program allows students to develop, acquire, and refine necessary interpersonal and technical workplace skills. 

The Downey MADE program curriculum provides essential skills needed in the modern workplace. Students develop competencies in critical thinking, communication, teamwork, engaged citizenship, ethical leadership, research, creativity, and innovation.



Biomedical Science, Life Science


Animation, Film & Video Production, Photography & Digital Imaging


Construction, Architecture, Manufacturing, Design, Welding


Computer Science, Game Design


Want to learn more about Downey MADE?  We'd love to tell you more.

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